What to Expect
At Family Health and Wellness Chiropractic, our goal is to help you and your family members live a better life through natural and effective chiropractic and wellness care. From the minute you walk into the practice, you’ll feel the support of our dedicated team in a friendly atmosphere.
Getting Started with Dr. Kari
Online Forms
Conscious of the busy lives that our patients lead, we’ve conveniently placed our new patient paperwork online for you to download and complete here. We’re also happy to email you the paperwork prior to your appointment if preferred.
Once you arrive at Family Health and Wellness Chiropractic, a team member will collect your insurance information followed by taking your vital signs. After, you’ll meet Dr. Kari who then begins an in depth examination to determine your problem areas and exactly how you’d benefit from chiropractic care. Because she believes in the importance of patient education, she’ll explain everything she’s doing along the way. If X-rays are deemed necessary, you’ll head to a nearby facility and return to Family Health and Wellness Chiropractic the following day for a review. If they aren’t, Dr. Kari continues with the appointment and will discuss how chiropractic care can benefit you.
Next, Dr. Kari prepares a short video for you to watch that provides a greater explanation of chiropractic care and its implications. Following the video, you’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have. Dr. Kari will then explain the best course of treatment unique to your specific case while outlining the technique that will be most beneficial. If the patient agrees, Dr. Kari continues with the adjustment, talking through each and every step of the way to calm any nerves.
Muscle soreness is often common following an initial adjustment. We recommend icing the adjusted region at home for the next day or two. Dr. Kari will follow up with a phone call to see how you’re feeling within 24 hours of your appointment.

Your Second Visit
On your second visit at Family Health and Wellness Chiropractic, we’re able to dive right in to your appointment. If X-rays were taken on your initial visit, Dr. Kari will review those with you at this time.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, Dr. Kari is more than happy to speak with you. When you’re ready, the second adjustment will take place. Like your first adjustment, Dr. Kari will explain what she’s doing and may provide you with at-home stretches or exercises that will aid on your quest to health.
Ongoing Wellness Care
Maintaining a regular chiropractic adjustment schedule helps to ensure that your body is functioning at 100% and stays that way. In each regular appointment, Dr. Kari will assess exactly how you’re improving and modify your adjustments as she deems fit. Eventually, you’ll reach a point in your care that only requires maintenance visits every few weeks or months.
Continuing with regular chiropractic care is by no means required by Dr. Kari, however for best results and to encourage optimal health, they are recommended.
Ready to Improve Your Health?
We’d love to help put you and your family on a path to wellness. Contact Family Health and Wellness Chiropractic today to book your appointment. Don’t forget to inquire about our new patient special.